ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 は大阪府羽曳野(はびきの)市の恵我之荘(えがのしょう)という地区にありますが、恵我之荘は羽曳野市の北西の端っこにあります。隣接する市との境目がいろいろ入り組んでいて、北へ少し歩くと松原市、西へ少し行くと松原市、東へしばらく行くと藤井寺市に入り、さらに東へと行くと再び羽曳野市になります。ちなみに、日本で5番目の大きさを誇る前方後円墳、大塚山古墳はゲストハウス庵から目と鼻の先のところにありますが、その古墳を縦に真っ二つ、東半分が羽曳野市、西半分が松原市となっています。
Guest House Ioly Osaka is in the area called Eganosho, Habikino, Osaka, but Eganosho is located at the northwest end of Habikino City. The borderlines are winding, and a little walk up north from the Guest House will take you to the neighbouring Matsubara City, if you go a bit to the west you will reach Matsubara, if you go to the east you will find yourself in Fujiidera, and if you go farther to the east it'll be Habikino again.
By the way, Japan's fifth largest kofun, Otsukayama Kofu, is a stone's throw away from the Guest House, but the east half of it belongs to Habikino, and the other half belongs to Matsubara.
Also, if you go down south from here, there's a point where Habikino meets Matsubara and Sakai City, and both Mihara Rotary and Mihara Junction serve as gateways to and from the city.
On the east side of the rotary is an area in Habikino called 'No', whose short name can take you by surprise. That's not all, though; 'no' continues from here in a variety.
Keep going to the east on the road and 'No' changes its name to 'Mukaino'.
After that, you get an area called 'Iga' before you reach 'Nonoue'. As the part of the name 'ue' meaning 'up' suggests, it is on a hilly area. There's a temple in Nonoue, and it's called 'Yachuji', whose 'Ya' shares the same kanji letter as 'No'. Go farther to the east on the same road and you will go into an area in Fujiidera called 'Nonaka', whose kanji letters are exactly the same as 'Yachu' in 'Yachuji'.
Have you ever heard of 'Minami-Osaka Shi' or, 'South Osaka City' that existed only for one day? After the name 'Minami-Osaka Shi' was decided on, they replaced it with one of the three other nominees, 'Habikino'. The name Habikino derives from the myth that the spirit of Yamatotakerunomikoto, one the oldest and mightiest Japanese gods, after it was buried in Ise, turned into a swan and flew to the west. Indeed, there's a district called 'Hakucho', which means swan in Japanese, in Furuichi, Habikino, but the kofun nearby is called 'Shiratori-ryo kofun', though the kanji letters for 'Shiratori' are the same as those of 'Hakucho'
'No', 'Mukaino', 'Nonoue', 'Yachuji', 'Nonaka', and 'Habikino' are all on the same road in the city that runs west to east. There's also 'Nishinono' near Guest House Ioly, though it's in Matsubara. Why don't you visit all of these 'No' townships?
When the pandemic ends, that is...
