香港出身の大学生がゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊されました!重量挙げの試合の応援で はびきのコロセアムに行くということで、当館に。日本に来て五年、東京の有名大学に通われていて、もう横浜で就職先も決まっているそうです!日本語ペラペラで、発音も上手。その秘訣を聞いてみると、日本に来る前から日本のマンガが好きで、マンガを通して日本語を覚えたそうです。来年も同じ時期に はびきのコロセアムで試合があるというので、来年また来ると言ってくれました!再見!謝謝!
A student from Hong Kong came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka! He came here because he was going to go to Habikino Colosseum to support his weightlifting team there. He's lived in Japan for five years and he goes to a prestigious university in Tokyo, and he already has a job in Yokohama which he is to start when he graduates from uni. He's fluent in Japanese and his Japanese pronunciation is great. He picked up Japanese through Japanese manga which he's liked since before he came to Japan. He told us the same tournament will take place at the same place the same time next year, so he's promised to come to stay at the Guest House again next year! Thanks! See you then!
