ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に去年の秋に宿泊された飛騨の方が先日お電話を下さいました!以前、ゲストハウス庵のフェイスブックにもメッセージをくださっていたのですが、今回は直接お電話。なので宿泊予約のお問い合わせかと思いきや、そうではありませんでした。
I got a phone call from a former guest from Hida, Gifu, who stayed here at Guest House Ioly Osaka last autumn. She gave us a nice comment in one of Guest House Ioly's facebook pages before, but this time she phoned us, so I thought she wanted to make a reservation, but it wasn't that. We just talked about the current situations in Hida and Osaka, about how few people she sees in Hida now, and asked me if the Guest House was doing alright. She ended the conversation by saying that she'd come to stay here again in the future.
We spoke just for a few minutes. She called although she wasn't going to make a booking with us. I was really happy about that.
Do come over again! Next time, bring all your kids!!