ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 で英会話レッスンを受講されている地元の方が、このお正月に広島へ旅行に行かれました!普段、ご自身のビジネスでお忙しく、月に一日しか休んでいないというのに、年末年始のお休みも、朝早くの便で大阪から広島へ。しかも、広島へ着くなり宮島へ行き、大鳥居周辺の観光だけでなく、弥山にも登ったというのです!
One of my students at Guest House Ioly Osaka visited Hiroshima for the winter holiday! She's usually really busy running her own business, taking just one day off a month, and even during her New Year's time off, she took the first train in the morning to go to Hiroshima! She went straight to Miyajima as she got to Hiroshima, and she not only did the conventional sightseeing walking around the big torii gate, but she also walked up Mount Misen!
On the second day, she visited the Peace Park downtown Hiroshima. She listened to what the A-bomb survivor was telling them at the front of the crowd.
After she came back, she told me of her travel tale in a rather self-teasing manner; she got physically tired on the first day and mentally tired on the second. However, she said she enjoyed eating the famous oysters and okonomiyaki, which was good!
She gave me some lemon flavoured stick cake and an omamori from the local shrine! She must have remembered that I had told her that Hiroshima produces more lemon than anywhere else in Japan!
Thank you so much!