広島出身の女性で、お仕事で大阪、京都、東京によく行かれる方が、ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に三回目の宿泊をされました!また、このたびはお友達を一人連れてきてくださり、その夜はお二人と庵スタッフとで庵のラウンジで焼肉を食べました!
A lady from Hiroshima, who often goes to Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo on business, stayed at Guest House Ioly Osaka for the third time! This time she brought a friend in and we had BBQ at Ioly!
While she stayed in Tokyo, she paid a visit to Shonan, Kanagawa, and she got us a gift of cookies from there!
Her friend, who worked in Hiroshima for over 20 years, has moved to Osaka with her husband because they wanted more clients!! She knows a lot about the Internet, and I learnt some tips from her while she was here!
Please call again!!
