ある時、ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪に、宿泊の問い合わせのチャットメールが来ました。送り主のお名前からすると、ベトナムの女性のようです。お友達と一緒に一週間ほど滞在したいということで、しばらく その方とのチャットメールのやり取りが続きました。
One day, a chat message came to Guest House Ioly Osaka. The sender seemed to be Vietnamese by her name. Apparently, she wanted to stay at the Guest House with a friend for a week.
Then, someone else began to contact the Guest House through the same website, Facebook, and this prospective guest seemed to be a Vietnamese man. He, too, said he wanted to stay here for a week, during the same period as the lady, but he said he wanted to stay here with his wife.
I was dealing with these two cases at the same time, but I prioritised the lady because she contacted us first, and told the man that we were fully booked for the period he asked about.
The deal with the lady was coming to an agreement, and after she told me that her friend would arrive in the afternoon and she would arrive in the evening, she offered to send us a photo of the friend. I was perplexed to see the photo she sent us; the 'friend' was the man! This confused me a great deal! Is this a triangle relationship? Or are they having an affair?
However, I asked for clarification, and found out that they were both trying to make the same booking. She called her boyfriend 'my friend', and he called his girlfriend 'my better half'. When I asked him about getting married, he said it'd probably happen 'next year'.
After check in, he gave me two sachets of coffee, saying they were their souvenirs. I examined them, and spotted they read NESCAFE. The writing IS in Vietnamese. Thank you!
