今月の上旬、11月7日にゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に宿泊された台湾の男性。西国三十三所巡礼のために台中から来られ、第一礼所から順に自転車で回っていました。当館には、第五礼所である藤井寺の葛井寺に参拝されたあと投宿されました。聞いてみると、一か月で全三十三所を巡って台湾に帰国する予定とのことでした。自転車で、和歌山、大阪、奈良、京都、滋賀、兵庫、はたまた岐阜にわたる工程を一か月で回れるのか?単純計算で、一日一か所以上、たまに二か所行かないと一か月では到達できないですね。しかも、普段から自転車で長旅をしているわけではないと言います。☕
A Taiwanese guy stayed here at Guest House Ioly Osaka on the seventh of November. He came from Taichung, to do the Saikoku Pilgrimage, which is to visit the 33 temples in the Kinki region and around. He started off in Wakayama, where the first temple is located, and he rode his bicycle all the way visiting the temples. It was after he visited the fifth temple called Fujiidera that he came to stay at the Guest House. He then said that his plan was to complete his journey in a month and go back to Taiwan. Can he travel all the way through Wakayama, Osaka, Nara, Kyoto, Shiga, Hyogo and Gifu, visiting 33 temples by bicycle in a month? That's more than a temple a day, sometimes two temples a day! He also confessed that he doesn't usually travel by bike.☕
The guy messaged me yesterday saying he 'finished the pilgrimage'! He also added a photo of a temple that seems to be the 33rd one! Good for you, mate! Good luck in whatever you do!