ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に、香川から来られた親子が体重計を持参して宿泊されました!息子さんの方が、羽曳野コロセアムで開催される重量挙げの大会に参加される選手であり、試合前に計る体重で振り分けられるそうです!!試合前夜から何も食べていません!前夜と当日の朝と何回か体重を計っています!お父様がおっしゃるには、ボクシングと違うのが、ボクシングでは公に体重を計るのが試合前日だが重量挙げでは試合当日の朝だそうで、それまで減量するそうです!高校生である息子さんは大学に進学しても重量挙げを続けていくそうです!試合がんばって!!
A father and son from Kagawa came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka with their own scales! The son is to participate in the weight lifting competition at Habikino Colosseum, and they're divided into groups by their weights! He didn't eat anything from check in to check out! He checked his weight several times the night before the competition and in the morning before checking out. The father told me that while boxers check and submit their weights the day before the match, weightlifters do it in the morning of the match, and they try to keep lose weight until then! The son, a high school student, is determined to continue weightlifting when he goes to university! Good luck on your match!!
