ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 に和歌山から内装業の兄弟が来られました! ゲストハウス庵からほど近い松原の西大塚に、この春、新しくフィットネス ジムがオープンするらしく、その建物の内装の仕事に来られたのでした!
Interior decorators, brothers from Wakayama, came to stay at Guest House Ioly Osaka!
Apparently, a new fitness gym is going to open this spring in Nishi-Otsuka, Matsubara, near Guest House Ioly, and they came over to work on its interior.
It might be an idea to be fit and beat the virus.
They're scheduled to open on the 4th of April, but I wonder what the circumstances will be like then. Some say it will calm down when the spring comes, and I do hope so!