4月の緊急事態宣言とその後の休業要請を受けて、ゲストハウス庵(いおり)大阪 での対面式の英会話レッスンをお休みしていましたが、緊急事態宣言が解除されたのを機に、ゲストハウス庵でのレッスンを再開しました!!
The face-to-face English lessons had been cancelled since the middle of April due to the spread of the Coronavirus, but as of now they are back here!
We at Guest House Ioly Osaka had started online English lessons this January prior to the outbreak of the virus, and some people were taking lesson online while others came over to the Guest House to take lessons face to face. When we decided to cancel all the face-to-face lessons in April, we asked the students if they could switch to online lessons. Some did so, and some others did not. Those who did kept taking lessons on a regular basis, and those who did not had to wait by doing their homework assigned by us.
Now that we're back on track, those who had switched to online lessons switched back to the face-to-face lessons, and those who were absent literally came back to the lessons!
They all had been taking the lessons right here at the Guest House previously, but when they came back from taking out lessons online, I felt like 'Oh, the students I'm so used to seeing are right here with me!!'
Also, one of them came here with a six-pack of beer!! Thanks a lot!!